For Those Who Seek Me

2 min readJun 6, 2017

I’m never sure when I post here or share my links that anyone actually opens them. I am of course excluding the politeness of family, friends and people looking for conversational fodder to engage me. I was recently told by a friend that he shared my Medium link with a professional body. My Medium contains anti PG elements. Welp.

I want to fix this somewhat by explaining my usefulness, in case anyone else comes here in the future seeking to pay me for my written services. Who am I?

Fareeda Alithnayn Abdulkareem, writes under Alithnayn Abdulkareem

Holds a BSC honours in Communication and a Masters in Governance and Culture.

Has lived in Lagos, Tuscany, Berlin. Currently based in Abuja, Nigeria.

Writes literary fiction that deals with morbid occurrences in mundane situations. Find here.

Writes human interest and policy based journalese. Also literary nonfiction primarily on Art, Film and Literature. Currently contributes to the following platforms . This one soon. Has freelanced for these good people.

Has worked in print, television and online media. A lot of nonprofit work too (Art, Development). Sharp skills in research, interview, speaking, analysis and criticism.

Is a baby Futurist, meaning I spend a lot of time listening to people from fields entirely different from mine, then spend more time obsessing over how those dots are connected in the larger scope of moving society forward. Determining what will/needs to happen, based on what has happened. Then use that information to pick a niche and contribute my 2 kobo. It really started when I worked for these good people.

I literally woke up like this;


